FAQ about Invoice Machine

vat invoices for amazon europe sellers

What is Invoice Machine?

Invoice Machine is a software for Amazon Europe sellers. It creates invoices (vat invoices) from customer’s orders made in any European market (UK, DE, ES, FR, IT). Not only you get invoices to print to PDF & send, it is also your evidence for bookkeeping and VAT accounting.

For whom is Invoice Machine useful?

For FBA and FBM sellers in Amazon Europe. For everybody who needs create vat invoices for amazon customers.

If Amazon does not create invoices for customers, why should I?

Amazon does not make invoices for customer who purchase goods from FBA and FBM sellers. It’s up to sellers. They are responsible for making invoices because they sell goods. European legislation requires to create tax record for any purchase – an invoice.

How Invoice Machine handles differences of invoices in different EU countries?

You can set up which of your company data you print on your invoices. All other informations are correct for every country, including VAT, if you are VAT payer.

How are invoices numbered? Why Amazon order number cannot be used as invoice number?

In most EU countries it is required to number your invoices in sequence. Amazon order numbers are numbered differently. That why number of order isn’t same as number of invoice.

Where does my invoices numbering starts? Can I set up numbering of my invoices?

Yes, you can set it up. It starts with first order you import.

What company data should I enter?

Your every invoice should contain data of you company: Company Name, full postal address and if you are VAT payer, then also your VAT number. If you are VAT registered in more then one EU country, then don’t forget to enter all your VAT numbers (Settings). You can upload your logo as well.

How customer and order data are obtained from Amazon?

Automatically via MWS twice a day or manually via CSV import. See How-to.

Do I need manual CSV import?

If you activate MWS, then you don’t need manual import. MWS can be activated only if you have Amazon pro seller account.

How about returns?

Invoice Machine creates negative invoices for returns. (credit note of invoicing)

What do I see in "Threshold watch" table?

You can watch turnover in every EU country of your sales – by shipping address. Once you overrun threshold in particular country, you are required to register for VAT in that country.

What do I see in "Turnover per VAT number"?

If you are VAT payer in one or more EU countries, thus you have VAT number in one or more countries, in this table you can see turnover per your VAT number – in other words, VAT you pay to governments of these countries.

There are complicated rules of where you should pay VAT. It depends on countries where you are VAT-registered, on billing and shipping address of every invoice, on warehouse from which the goods has been shipped from, on VAT number of your customer /if he provided it/ and this also depends if your customer VAT number is registered in the same country as your VAT number you have used on invoice, or not.

All these rules are handled by Invoice Machine software so you don’t have to bother with that. Complete data about every invoice and depended data you find in “Accountant Excel” file, which you can download anytime from Invoice Machine.

Which date from Amazon order is taken as relevevant for invoicing?

Purchase date.
Invoice Machine monthly totals can be different from Amazon Monthly report, which is caused by different rules Amazon uses to filter orders. Nontheless, Amazon Monthly report should not be used for Income Tax or VAT purposes. Amazon holds no responsibility for your tax reports.

If my customer asks for invoice, can I email it right from the machine?

Yes. Open particular invoice and push “Send PDF” button. Customer will get invoice right to his Amazon account.
You can search within invoices by customer’s name or Amazon order ID.

What is "Set Buyer VAT" button?

If your customer is a VAT payer, then he has his VAT number. This number has to be included in invoice. Amazon does not provide this number in import, so you have to enter it manually via this button. If customer asks for invoice, he will provide you his VAT number. Then VAT rate on your invoice may change, depends on rules. It is calculated by Invoice Machine software.

Pricing and number of orders

Pricing is done according to number of your orders. At the beginning, please decide what package you need. In case you reach 90% of the current package, we send you notification that you will need to upgrade it. You can see number of your orders in Dashboard or filter in easily in your Invoices section.

What is "Accountant Excel"?

It is a complete data about every invoice. It is needed for your accountant as a foundation for VAT reports, Income Tax reports etc.

Do you have any questions or need more informations?


Call us to +421910 465 275 or write us to susan@invoice-machine.com
and we will provide you support.